This award is a toast to spices, to the countless hours spent in the kitchen to discovering new things, to always showcasing the main protagonists – the dishes – and to the years of collecting love tips. Let’s continue to enchant our loved ones with delicious creations. Let’s put an extra portion of love into every dish. And the best thing about it is that all this can be done without great effort and with simple ingredients. Vegetarians and vegans will get their money’s worth as well.
“Sexy Cooking” marks a new moment in the world of gourmet literature and enriches it with a new culinary point of view.
“Now it’s time to celebrate. Keep swinging the spoon, seducing the world with aphrodisiac spices and filling the dishes with enchanting magic! Here’s to a future filled with culinary aphrodisiac creativity!”
HH Hessa bint Essa Buhumaid, Minister of Community Development, UAE
HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperations, UAE
HH Sheikh Nahyan Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture, Youth and Social Development, UAE
The book is positive and interesting and exciting with surprising facts. It’s a captivating journey into the world of Emirati women.
“Only those who know their past have a future.” – Based on this proverb, the situation of women in the United Arab Emirates is described, spanning from the life of the Bedouins with their cultural characteristics to the present day. The UAE was only founded in December 1971 (and is celebrating its 50th anniversary in this year 2021) and since then has been undergoing development, whose enormous speed has brought both advantages and disadvantages. Local women are particularly affected by this time travel. With much optimism, they accepted the support of Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan, the founder of the UAE. Nevertheless, the female gender in particular has to perform a balancing act between Bedouin values, the tenets of Islam, tribal traditions and capitalist influences. It also includes a comprehensive chapter on ‘The Year of Tolerance 2019′ and Pope Francis’ meeting with the Grand Imam Mohammed Al Tayyeb of Al-Azhar University. The book is a must-have for all who care about tolerance, a peaceful future, and the Islamic-Christian dialogue.
Does great love exist? Is there love at first sight? Is there a magical attraction? Is there a moment that binds two hearts forever?
Meet the southern Italian notary with sunglasses and a sport car, the retired professor and the poetry-writing divorce lawyer. And come on board with us on a turbulent night flight.
Immense yourself in a world of love and magic and remember: no one knows when Cupid’s arrows of love will strike us, and the magic will touch us.
Der Duft des Paradieses
“The scent of paradise. Great secrets of the Arabian cooking”
The Arabian cooking is a unique sensation for the sensory perceptions. There is nothing missing: scents, colours, different kinds of flavours, fresh ingredients – really everything is there within a great extent of variety. A rich Arabian meal is a colorful feast for the eyes and a real treat. And over all these pleasures you can enjoy the Arabian hospitality. Every meal is celebrated – you give yourself and your guests the precious good – time! A book inviting the appatite, richly arranged and designed with beautiful and attractive photographs, made by the author herself. Suitable to that Verena Falkner developed a spice line.
“Two promising books wait for the readers. They won’t only enchant their sensations but first of all transform their cooking habits” (kompass gcc magazine, Issue 32; 31.01.2012)
Die arabischen Liebesgewürze
“The Arabian love-spices. Little secrets about the Arabian cooking.”
The Arabian cooking is famous for its smells, scents, colours and the celebration of meals.
Every meal is a feast celebration for all your sensory perceptions. A rich Arabian meal is a colourful experience for your eyes and taste. But the spices are the soul of the Arabian Cooking. They were called “the scents of paradise” already in the ancient Arabia. The book offers interesting, funny and almost unbelievable information’s about the most often used Arabian spices. For every spice there exists a “love-recipe” to cook. In this respect the book is a guide through the “spices of love”.
“Even those who have lived in Emirates since a long time often don’t know how to use the spices in the everyday life. Verena Falkner tells them more about that and the recipes help to start right away.” (kompass gcc magazine, Issue 32; 31.01.2012)
Emirates Dates
“Emirates Dates. Politeness and manners in the United Arab Emirates”
Who wants to be successful on business in foreign countries with other cultures than in one’s own country has to inform himself about the other habits and manners in advance. Many errors and misunderstandings can be avoided by this way! The time you invest into a thorough preparation for the contacts abroad is the first requirement in order to bring positive results from the journey back home. The thorough preparation improves your personal development and is also a main requirement in order to install new business connections and to make possible new economic prospects. In this handy reference book you find the most important Do’s and Don’ts in a concentrated way. There is space enough for it in every suit pocket and handbag. It should function as a mean for communication beside the wireless phone. Conclusion: “Good manners are a sign of respect towards being different!”
“The Austrian author Verena Falkner has now put a reference book on the market that assures the visitors to show the correct way – not on the road but in the way of behaviour” “The quick advisor on the way through the jungle of manners in the Arabian Countries … advisor for manners “to go”. In any case a nice book, perfect for a present, without danger to offend the receiver.” (kompass gcc magazine, Issue 26; 5.10.2011).
„Oasis whispering. From Abu Dhabi to courtesy“
Because of her husband’s decision, to work for an Austrian company in Saudi Arabia and the United Arabian Emirates, a new life-phase began for the whole family. During two years Verena Falkner travelled with her three children to and fro between two residences which couldn’t be more different: Tyrol and Dubai, Riyadh respectively Abu Dhabi, the Tyrolean mountains and the dessert. When they flew to Riyadh for the first time, they made a stop in Dubai. Then her love for the Middle East began. But it lasted two more years, till they all together could live in Abu Dhabi. There they experienced their most beautiful, rich and intensive time. Verena Falkner lures the reader into the coloured and fascinating world of the Middle East. She lets him participate in many beautiful experiences and memories of a special, unforgettable time. The author writes in an easy manner – very personally, full of respect and with a sensitive humour.
- “… Read the book during one night”
- “… Couldn’t stop reading – what will the family experience next?”
- “… had the feeling to experience the story together with the family Falkner”
- “… Written with very much sensibility”
- “… had to burst out into laughter sometimes”
- “… Written in an open-hearted, honest way”
- “… it was a great experience to be informed about the culture and the life in the UAE, always feeling the respect but also the love for the people there and the interest for their country”
(Extracts of letters to the author)